Decred setup on Windows x64 and mining on Testnet

Since Decred is using blake256, I will be setting up mining on my windows machine because it has a better graphics card.

Info for the setup came from here:

Download the binaries:

The quick reference guide will help you:

Start the decred daemon the first time:

dcrd.exe -u YourUserName -P YourPassword

Start the decred wallet and get a new address:

dcrwallet --create
dcrwallet --dcrdusername=YourUserName --dcrdpassword=YourPassword /noclienttls

You will need to set up a passphrase that you should save. You will need it to unlock your wallet later.

Your wallet will get created somewhere here:


Get a new address:

dcrctl --testnet -u YourUserName -P YourPassword --wallet getnewaddress

At this point, you will not need this wallet open to start mining, so you can shut it down, but you can unlock it and check the balance anytime you want when the wallet is running.

dcrctl --testnet -u YourUserName -P YourPassword --wallet getbalance
dcrctl --testnet -u YourUserName -P YourPassword --wallet walletpassphrase "your passphrase here" 9999999

Shut down and start the decred daemon again. Note that if you are on windows, you will need the –notls flag if you want to mine:

dcrd.exe --notls -u YourUserName -P YourPassword --miningaddr=YourNewDecredAddress

Now to start mining:

cgminer.exe --blake256 -o -u YourUserName -p YourPassword --intensity d

Decred Installation on Ubuntu

Attempting to install Decred

Github project:

GO installation:

sudo apt-get install gccgo-go
mkdir ~/gocode

Add to .bashrc

export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode

Now get the address generator:

go get -u

Currently getting errors, will update this post later…

EDIT: This post is old, I was able to get my decred wallet working and will post details in later posts.