ZetaCoin compile from source on Ubuntu

This coin was about the easiest to compile except for MazaCoin which was the easiest. It was also the longest to compile.  The make created zetacoind, zetacoind-cli, zetacoin-qt. It worked after adding the –with-incompatible-bdb flag to configure.

cd ~/source
git clone https://github.com/zetacoin/zetacoin.git
cd ~/source/zetacoin
./configure --with-incompatible-bdb

TitCoin compile from source on Ubuntu

This coin gave a bit of trouble.  It may have been my libraries were conflicting and I was running the wrong version of qmake.  What finally worked was to uninstall both versions, re-installed both versions, then ran these commands:

cd ~/source
git clone https://github.com/OfficialTitcoin/titcoin-wallet
apt-get install qt4-qmake libqt4-dev
make clean

MazaCoin compile from source on Ubuntu

MazaCoin was an interesting coin, as it inspires to be a national currency.  Good luck to them.

Compiling MazaCoin was the most straightforward as I already had the necessary libraries from the previous attempts, so here are the commands that I ran to make get this running.

cd ~/source
git clone https://github.com/MazaCoin/MazaCoin.git
cd ~/source/MazaCoin

UniversalCurrency compile from source on Ubuntu

UniversalCurrency (UNIT) was a fairly new Crypto Currency at the time I started playing with it.  It’s genesis block was created in May 2015.

I downloaded the source from github:

If you already compiled the Bitcoin Core in my previous post, you should already have most of the dependencies that this software needs.  I did have some trouble compiling this, even after reading all the instructions provided with this version.

cd ~/source
git clone https://github.com/unitcurrency/unitcurrency/

Follow the instructions in the ./source/unitcurrency/doc/readme-qt.rst

Running “qmake”, then “make” will give you some errors however, until you change permissions to a particular folder and make a few changes to the “UniversalCurrency-qt.pro” file.

The first error you get will be a permissions denied, which can be fixed by:

chmod 755 ./src/leveldb/build_detect_platform

I found this info here from another blogger who successfully compiled memecoin-qt in ubuntu, and it fixed my problem with UniversalCurrency:


Basically, the developers of UniversalCurrency linked a specific version of Boost and we are changing this now:

Look for:

LIBS += -lboost_system-mgw49-mt-s-1_57 -lboost_filesystem-mgw49-mt-s-1_57 -lboost_program_options-mgw49-mt-s-1_57 -lboost_thread-mgw49-mt-s-1_57

Change to:

LIBS += -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_program_options -lboost_thread

Look for:

windows:BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX = -mgw49-mt-s-1_57

Comment out, so it will look like this:

# macx:BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX = -mt
# windows:BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX = -mgw49-mt-s-1_57

After these changes, you can then run


The build will take a while, but then you can copy the UniversalCurrency-qt file to your bin folder and it should be good to go.

BitCoin Core compile from source on Ubuntu

The obvious choice of which Crypto Currency to attempt to compile from source is the bitcoin core.  It has the most support and I found many resources.  The best of these came from this blog:


I just followed the step by step instructions and soon had a compiled bitcoin-qt which I then configured.


Discovering Bitcoins

I’ve been hearing about Bitcoins for a few years now, and then just decided to check it out.  Read a few articles explaining what they were, how they were abused, sad stories of people losing their coins etc…

Then I decided to get a mining rig.  My first one was the AntMiner U3.  This thing took a while to figure out how to configure, but once I got it running, I started to connect to mining pools.

Decided to try some other crypto coins, so I downloaded some more wallets to see if I can mine solo.  Successfully and Unsuccessfully was able to mine on some of them solo.

Found a pool that uses NOMP (Node Open Mining Portal) which is an open source mining pool. It looked nice, although seems to be in beta, but I’m currently in the process of setting this up.


First thing I had to do was get some wallets compiled.  I’m running Ubuntu on an old Alienware X11 laptop that currently crashed while I was trying to upgrade to Windows 10, so decided to load Ubuntu on it.

So far I was able to compile the bitcoin-qt successfully thanks to this blog:


My most recent Crypto Coin is UniversalCurrency


Had some trouble compiling this, but was eventually able to get it going after googling some of the error messages.

Will be tackling a few more Crypto Coin compiles from source before I even begin to try to set up NOMP.

Now I have 5 Bitmain AntMiner U3’s running an average of 300 Gh’s.

This post is just a quick summary of what I’ve been doing the past month or so.  More to come later, or more details if anyone is curious.